Archive for February, 2012

I am.

So I was thinking today about how passion manifests itself in all arrays of glorious forms, both positive and negative – anger, excitement, arousal – all of it. I have always been passionate in friendships, learning, experience, …and of course sexually! Passion in all its forms has been what lends zest to my life and makes life worth living. Without it, I’d consider my life bland, boring, and completely unacceptable. Passion is why I feel.

That being said, I have to say that passion for me must be innate. I was thinking about the WSX team of lovely, lovely ladies and how much I love and adore them! It’s interesting, just a few months ago many of us did not even know each other. At first meetup, I was able to turn on the passion (and so were they, I might add!) and the rest is history…..

Not to mention the passion my day-to-day life grants me…. innate passion, what a lovely idea 😉

So, to each of you impassioned individuals …what is it that sets your passions ablaze?

See you here tonight at 9PM MST 😉

So after a recent period of not really feeling up-to-par sexually, I finally had a terrific and motivating day. I got up early, worked out, tanned, did some yoga, and felt FANTASTIC!! Which led me to think, “What is it exactly that gets me sexed up?” For me, it’s an inner feeling of “feeling good” that does it. Feeling good on the inside and outside is critical (a tan and sexy heels sometimes works just as well!) – even one negative thought can ruin my sexuality for a few minutes, hours, or days. The rest, for me, is all secondary (Though I’m a music person and definitely need some arousing sounds going on around me, nothing beats just feeling good!).

So my question for you is, what gets you pumped? Nonsexual physical activity? Great tunes and ambiance? A sexy outfit? Perhaps a bottle of wine? Porn? Is it as simple as this…or deeper for you?

Time to spill!

See you tonight @ 9pm MST!


So an interesting (and slightly enraging) incident that was brought to my attention today brings me to ask… how private is your porn? Do you share your sexual tendencies (porn interests, sexual encounters, and the like) with others? Significant Others? Friends? Co-workers? Perhaps even belong to groups and clubs that encompass your sexually-related beliefs? Or do you keep your sexual interests solely to yourself? Regardless of your answer, why have you chosen to do so? What effects – positive and negative – have you encountered because of this choice?

Let the good times roll, Tuesday night friends…let’s share – see you here tonight at 9pm MST!

